
当你兴奋地提出自己的想法或计划时,对方表现得毫无兴趣或一味提出批评,那种受挫的感觉可能就像被当头泼了一盆冷水一样难受。 “泼冷水”,中文俗语,字面意思是“pour [throw] cold water on”,比喻败别人的兴头,打击别人做某事的热情(discourage or deter someone from...

1 : When two people are deeply in love with each other, they could be described as being ___. loved up loved tight lovesick loveache 2 : Dianna is the nicest person I have ever known, I love her ___. to shreds to bits to the bones to the heart 3 ...

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